Saturday, October 23, 2010

What is the difference between the autonomic nervous system and the somatic nervous system?

What is the difference between the autonomic nervous system and the somatic nervous system?
In short: The autonomic nervous system is the part of the nervous system that was once thought to be functionally independent of the brain. The autonomic nervous system regulates key functions of the body including the activity of the heart muscle, the smooth muscles (e.g., the muscles of the intestinal tract), and the glands. The somatic nervous system; operates muscles that are under voluntary control. The autonomic (automatic or visceral) nervous system regulates individual organ function and is involuntary. Opening the mouth is voluntary while blushing is involuntary.
autonomic are things like breathing and blinking, we do not control it it is automatic. the somatic feels pain or moves muscles that you control.
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is responsible for non-voluntary reactions such as fight-or-flight and the "revving" you up (speed up heart rate, quicken breathing, etc.) and calming you down. The somatic nervous system is responsible or voluntary systems, mostly associated with body movement (with the exceptions being reflexes).

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